Returns & Cancellations

Can I modify my order after placing it?

We can make this happen, but only if we can catch the team before the order is dispatched. So, quickly write in an email to us at  regarding the changes that you would like to make in your order and we will get our team to hold the order and process the modifications. Hope to catch them in time. Fingers crossed!

Can I cancel my order after placing it?

Our system is integrated at various warehouse portals, hence we cannot manage doing this. You can try writing in to us at, we will try cancelling it for you, provided we are able to catch the team before the order is dispatched. We have limited control over this, we are sorry if we do not manage cancelling it.

Can I return my products?

As a retailer of perishable food items, we are unable to accept returns. However, if you have any issues or complaints with your purchase, please contact us. We are here to help.

*We are not responsible for wrong shipping addresses or invalid addresses. Any returned items due to the wrong address being given will be charged appropriately. 

Who do I get in touch with for issues or complaints with the product/packaging?

We are really sorry if you’ve faced an issue related to the product/packaging. This is not something we are used to, and we take this very seriously. We would request you to share your exact concern by sending an email to We promise to fix it at the earliest. We will immediately check on this internally and revert to you. In case we find any errors, please allow us to rectify it or give you an online store credit. Please notify us of any complaints within 24 hours of the order having been delivered to you.